Need More From Your Equipment? by Tom McBride,
Partners for Creative Solutions, Inc. Does it surprise you that a typical machine
produces only 30-50% of its capability during scheduled production time?
If you need to increase production capacity, before buying additional
equipment or outsourcing, consider improving performance of your current
equipment. OEE (%) = Availability (%) x Performance Factor x Quality Factor Where:
Calculate OEE: Availability = 73.3% = Run time (330) / Planned Operating Time (450)
x 100. Planned Operating Time = 450 (480– planned downtime of 30) Run Time = 330 (450 planned operating time – 120 unplanned
downtime) Performance Factor = .667 (Actual Output of 440 / Theoretical Output
of 660) Theoretical Output = 2 x 330 (run
time) = 660 Quality factor = .932 (good product / total product) Good product = 410 (440 produced
– 30 bad) OEE = 73.3% x .667 x .932 =
45.6% If your organization relies heavily on equipment, you may
wish to find out more about the TPM philosophy at www.pcs-info.com. |